Traveling 4 Newbies

Traveling.  Imagine being a first time traveler and boarding a flight all by yourself.  Well, this February I will be boarding a plane for the first time ever in my 28+ years of life.  My destination?  Las Vegas, Nv.  I have never been on an airplane before and to be honest I am nervous and scared.

Let me give you a little background on myself.  I am from a small town in Texas population 13,500+ people.  And I’ve had the same best friend since I was 10.  So yea, getting on this plane is pretty nerve-wracking.   But I’ve learned a thing or two along the way that I’d like to share with you all. I will fill you in on my adventures leading up to the actual flight, and share tips I’ve learned along the way as well.

Prepping for this trip has been a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.  From booking flights, working around schedules, packing for the weather…the list goes on and on.  But lucky for me I’ve had help along the way plus I was not afraid to call the airline and ask them a few questions.   ,

Rule #1 : Research the Airline

One of  the most important things I did and that any first time traveler should do is research the airline that they will be traveling with.  That is one of the rules in traveling for newbies.

Research.  Ask questions.  Don’t be afraid to sound stupid!  Just because it doesn’t sound right doesn’t mean it’s wrong.   

There is no such thing as a right or wrong question.  Without questions problems wouldn’t get solved.  So if you catch yourself in an awkward situation or you’re just plain ‘ol curious than don’t be afraid to ask someone for help.  I, have a fear that I will get lost in the airport.  It’s crazy I know but hey you  don’t know forgetful I can be 🙂  My mom on the other hand never forgets to remind me that I know how to read so if I do get lost at least I can read my way out of it 🙂 that’s parent’s for you.

So for now remember rule #1 and it might make your trip a little easier. Part 2 coming soon.

3 thoughts on “Traveling 4 Newbies

  1. You must be so nervous and excited! I remember my first time alone on a plane 5 years ago when I was 18. I cried and was lost lol but I’m really small so they workers thought I was like 12 and treated me extra nice. Best of luck on your trip!!! Btw…traveling by myself hasn’t gotten any easier for me lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. Yes I am very scared and excited 🙂 I’m hoping I don’t get lost and crossing my fingers that I don’t cry either lol 🙂 But i’m hoping for a really great trip!!


      1. I’ve never been to Vegas but I hear it’s amazing so I’m sure it’ll be great. I don’t mind being on airplanes at all it’s the airports themselves that stress me to tears! Lol


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